If you choose to pay for a service or product using the secure credit card payment facility or the PayPal payment method available at this site you will be asked to provide your card details, your full name, shipping address, phone number and email address. Your card details are not stored on our secure website platform. If you register, sign up, or place an order, your name, email, phone and address details will be stored on our secure website platform.
We protect the security of your personal information in every online transaction by using the latest online security methods:
- Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software, encrypts information you input from your computer to our servers.
- Our servers are state-of-the-art and located in Sydney, Australia.
Kiwi Shop will not make an attempt to identify users or their browsing activities. However, in the unlikely event of an investigation, a law enforcement agency or other government agency may exercise its legal authority to inspect our Internet Service Provider’s logs.